Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Joy of Winter

Sorry I haven't blogged in forever.
This is just a rough draft of my Christmas poem I'm working on.
Tell me how you like it. :)

The Joy of Winter

So what do you think brings joy to thee?

Is it the presents under the tree?
The endless nights of watching glee?
The pride of your first snowman spree?
 No, I beg to disagree.

Could it be magi three?
The mistletoe and kissing thee?
The stocking filling? The hot cups of tea?
 No, I beg to disagree.

What about the downhill ski?
Or the frostbite, third degree?
Skidding in your car maybe?
 No, I beg to disagree.

Its the return of soldiers overseas,
The friends and relatives loving me,
And the birth of Christ our King,
That's how, in this season, there's jubilee.

Many people think wrongly,
That gifts bring joy everlasting.
Even though these especially
Do entertain fantastically.
The true joy is our praise to He,
And time with friends and family.



Yoski said...

my joy DEFINITELY comes from getting frostbite.

Jalapandro said...

Yeah, I know, it was sarcastic.