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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Hypothetical Goldfish

I heard the funniest story the other night at the house of family, friends of Matt. They have a father, mother, four teenaged girls, a fluffy, mouser, marshmallow cat, a new kitten named crash, a.k.a. Green Bean, and two recently deceased hypothetical goldfish. Now, these hypothetical goldfish were a replacement because real ones never survived very long. They were alive like forever in an empty goldfish bowl in the middle of their table. But then apparently the marshmallow cat knocked the bowl off the table or something and they died. They had a ceremonial flush down the toilet a short while after witht he entire family gathered around in mournful silence.

The thing is, I never actually got them to say that there wasn't actually hypothetical goldfish, so I don't know if there is something wrong there or what......

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