Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Emma was Upside Down

My sister Emma is crazy, laughable, wild, entertaining, and most of all, hilarious. Tonight my mom told (after we joked about the possibility of her being dropped on her a head as a baby) her at the dinner table that she was upside down in the womb for most of the pregnancy. To that, she looked thoughtful and said, "So what if my brain was in my feet?" To that we all cracked up big time and all talked about how that would explain the brain damage and my mom said, "So you can get up in the middle of class and jump up and down. Then when they ask you about it, you can say, 'I'm thinking!' " Yeah, we're just weird like that.

PS: Then Emma went on to say that my other sister would look funny with two pencil's through her eyes (all in fun) and what if we were born with huge ears like cabinets. It would provide a whole new meaning to the famous "Night time, day time" bird on the English video. :) Well, we now know who will be going into facial reconstruction in the near future... XD

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April Photo Month - Week 2

Again, these pictures are owned entirely by Alexander John. If you do use these photos for anything, you MUST keep the Alexander John Logo at the bottom; no cropping. These pictures are are the Week 2 collection of April Photo Month Challenge. To see and read about the challenge, see my post here, or click here to be directed to Rebecca's post (my photo challenger). To view last weeks photos from Alexander John click here. Anyway, enjoy the photos!

Day 8 - Routine
I routinely forget my key in the morning therefore 
locking myself outside my house when I get home... :)

Day 9 - Someone I Love
My awesome sister Emma...

Day 10 - Childhood Memory
Reminds me of when I was really into classical music...

Day 11 - Something Blue
My miniature blue stapler... :)

Day 12 - Sunset
Beautiful Sunset on our way home from Limon.
See the mountains?

Day 13 - Cannot Live Without
I don't think I could live without it, love playing the piano!

Day 14 - Eyes
Its...uh...just my eye. Kinda boring...

Lions Heart Tim Tebow Event

So! Last night I went to go see Tim Tebow at the Broadmoor Hotel! He's a fantastic speaker! At first I didn't want to go, it just didn't seem exciting, but my Grandma had already bought me a ticket. So I went and it turned out to be amazing. We were all seated in a HUGE ballroom ten of us around a table (There were 200 tables) and listened to a local radio talk show host ask Tebow questions that some kids at the school hosting it has written down for him. It was awesome and he had a powerful message. "We serve a BIG God, so we can have BIG goals." It was awesome, and the food was amazing. :) Chicken with potatoes and steamed vegetables. Yum!
It was really awesome and now I get to brag that I have been to one of his events. :)

Anyway, here's the article from the Gazette. And here's a picture of the program they gave out...

 Peace Out!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Quick Update

Quick Update: I made some changes to my Movie Page, so if your bored, go check it out. It's not even close to being finished, but I highly recommend renting and watching the movies with asterisk(*) by them.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Comment Spamming

OK, I gotta a small problem. I just got comment spammed like three days ago, by scores of automatic messages and link to URL's and random Pharmaceutical websites. So I am forced to put up the "confirm your a human" thing before you post a comment. I know its obnoxious and it makes you not want to post anything, but sorry. It was an anonymous user and I've deleted the comments, but yeah, changes happening...


How to Eat Like an Animal

I know this is a Facebook viral video at the moment, but for you guys who haven't seen this video, it is a must. I swear this will make you laugh. :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Biggest Pepsi Can EVER!!

So, since it's a snow day and you guys aren't out of school yet... :P ....I had some extra time to build the largest Pepsi soda can EVER! ...On Minecraft! Check it out...

Extra Credit for making the can already opened?

From inside the top looking down. 

From inside at the bottom looking up. 

Snow Day!

WE GOT A SNOW DAY!! WE GOT A SNOW DAY!! I got my face! And a cup o' hot chocolate!

NANANANANANA! :P And we didn't even get snow! No snow, at all! (Which sucks...) But the day off made up for it! :) SO this morning I woke up early to a text from my coach saying that we had the day off. So I turn off my alarm and go back to sleep only to wake up to my mom 30 minutes later with breakfast ready. See, we don't have TV to announce it and we figured out that she forgot to plug in the phone yesterday. :) So she had no idea and I've been up ever since. We made a fire in our new house fireplace and its soooo warm and cozy. :D Oooh! I've got pictures!

Looks a bit like roast beef doesn't it?

At least this part does... :)

Sparks when mom threw in another log.

Not the best pic quality, but it looks cool. :)

Oh, and there's my hot chocolate.

And Larry the Cucumber fighting a bull...

Back on track... So yeah, As you can see...I absolutely LOVE snow days! :) Don't we all?? Da best! OK, I'll post something later today.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

April Photo Month - Week 1

So, sorry this took a little longer than I expected, but I had to go out and take another picture for Day 5 - After Dark real quick. These pictures are owned entirely by me and may be used only if the name/logo at the bottom stays visible. Do Not Crop! There has been no editing of the pictures except to resize and place the name/logo at the bottom. I included the "Day", a "Short Caption", and "What I Liked about it" (because I am not a photographer by any means and I really liked how these pictures came out). Enjoy! :)

Day 1 - Self Portrait
Quick picture before school...
I did not mess with the lighting at all, but it turned out REALLY good! :)

Day 2 - What You Wore
After Volleyball practice in my sister's long mirror...
Nothing much, pretty ordinary picture.

Day 3 - Clouds
Short hike with friends...
I LOVE how the trees kind of border the sky! :)

Day 4 - Something Green
The only patch of grass in our yard...
Now I do not even know how this turned out so good, but I'm VERY proud! :)

Day 5 - After Dark
Lost the original photo, quick snapshot of telephone pole...
This turned out great, but I don't know why it looks green. O.o

Day 6 - Obsession
I don't really have an obsession, but I really like playing volleyball...
I saw the pole and...Boom! Picture Time! I love the rustic look!

Day 7 - Changes to Come
I didn't really understand this category, so...
I have the urge to change this rubix cube back to it original setting, 
and I proceeded to do just that. :)

Photo Challenge!

Hey guys. So I agreed to do this photo challenge thing with Rebecca and my 1-7 pics are due today. Problem is, I lost one of my pictures so I'm looking for it at the moment. I should have 1-7 pics up in like, an hour. OK?

Monday, April 1, 2013


So... I just figured out what Favicons are, and I changed mine...and it looks pretty awesome. :)

Also, if you try and change the Favicon on the "Layout" page, it won't work. There's a bug of some sort. But I went to and they were particularly helpful in giving these instructions...

Step 1: On the adress bar, type http://[your blog url]/favicon.ico and press Enter.
Step 2: Refresh the page.
Step 3: Go back to your blog.

I totally encourage you to change your Favicon to something specially so I can put your blog on my bookmarks bar and it looks diverse and different like this...

And not boring and confusing like this...
