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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Emma was Upside Down

My sister Emma is crazy, laughable, wild, entertaining, and most of all, hilarious. Tonight my mom told (after we joked about the possibility of her being dropped on her a head as a baby) her at the dinner table that she was upside down in the womb for most of the pregnancy. To that, she looked thoughtful and said, "So what if my brain was in my feet?" To that we all cracked up big time and all talked about how that would explain the brain damage and my mom said, "So you can get up in the middle of class and jump up and down. Then when they ask you about it, you can say, 'I'm thinking!' " Yeah, we're just weird like that.

PS: Then Emma went on to say that my other sister would look funny with two pencil's through her eyes (all in fun) and what if we were born with huge ears like cabinets. It would provide a whole new meaning to the famous "Night time, day time" bird on the English video. :) Well, we now know who will be going into facial reconstruction in the near future... XD

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So that's what's wrong with her!... XD Haha, that's so funny!