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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Now I think is the time for me to get into a serious (or somewhat serious) discussion about pomegranates. Well besides being my favorite fruit and food in the world, what else are they. They might just be the messiest and most staining food in the world, yes, good. Well here's some quick history. The pomegranate was first cultivated in the ancient Persia, current day Iraq and Iran area, and in the fertile crescent (between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Eurasia). It is mentioned many times in the Bible including Exodus and Song of Solomon. In the Northern Hemisphere, pomegranate season is from September to February, while its opposite in the Southern Hemisphere.

Anyway, moving on, I love Pomegranates. In fact, that is my most important life-rule. "It needs more Pomegranate" and "You can never go wrong with Pomegranates." If you don't cross me on these two rules, I think we will get along fine in life. :)

Anyway, pomegranates are food for the soul. I am always happy when I'm eating Pomegranate. Anyway, I just had my first taste of some delicious, ice cream like substance called sorbet. But now its on my top ten things I like. It was amazing!! I got the Pomegranate, Acai, and Blueberry Sorbet from Private Selection, actually from King Soopers, but WHO CARES! It was and still is amazing!! I texted bopha and rubbed it in a bit because I felt like it. :)

But pretty much, its amazing, but now I need to go. Happy Pomegranate Day....every day! :P

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