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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Birthday - Wrapping Lockers

OK, so my friend Johanna (Junior) just turned 17 today and does the best Barbara Streisand acting ever!With the voice! LOL, it's hilarious. But anyway, as I said, she turned 17 today, but only dropped the bomb on us (Me, Bopha, Matt, Sarah, Tory, and Bree) yesterday, so yesterday I ran back to my house, grabbed a ton of pretty crap to decorate, and met everyone by her locker to decorate. Well, We had rock-hard bubble gum, Hershey's chocolate, CHRISTMAS wrapping, a half deflated balloon "party" hat, Sharpies, Packing tape, Small balloons, and hastily stolen scrap paper from the downstairs Library. :P We did the best we could, but I was honestly not happy with it. Anyhow, we left it as it was and left after writing Happy Birthday notes on the CHRISTMAS paper....for a BIRTHDAY. Whatever. :) Anyhow, I have Johanna's first period with her, so I got to see her reaction for the outside, but she didn't open it until after the period, during passing period to Choir. (Which I also have with her) Turns out though, that my brilliant friend Sarah put some bubble gum pieces jammed in the inner lock mechanism for Johanna's locker. Therefore, it was stuck. So we skipped part of the next period to go to the office, get a coat hanger, and unjam the locker, which we finally did. So yeah, we taped so much crap in her locker that she's gonna have to take a paint scrapper to it. :P Jk. Overall, for my first time decorating a locker on such shirt notice, I think it went rather well. The one thing we could count on, is that Johanna's too nice to say anything bad about it. :)

Also, for a present, she and her mom went to see Titanic. I've never seen it, but I've heard that its a girl sob movie. :) Probably gonna hear all about it tomorrow. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've seen just a handful of tiny scenes from the Titanic and have heard the theme song and it made me wanna cry and now I never wanna see it and detest it with a passion even though I've never seen it!!!!! *inhales sharply*. Okay, I'm done ranting. :P