Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, April 30, 2012

In BV with Matt....again

So starting where I left off. After the praise rally, me and Matt plus Matt's family (his brother and mom) headed for Buena Vista. Now remember, its like 10:00 already, pitch black, along a endless winding road with no lights except for the dim headlights. SO its about 3/4 through the trip when a deer crossed the road right in front of us. Matt''s mom brakes the car going like 40 but....yes, tears.....hit the deer at maybe thirty miles per hour. The deer did two flips before landing on the ground. Then it got up and walked into the woods on the other side. I hope it didn't die, no living thing deserves to become carrion. Now here comes the good part. I now have nine, not eight, but nine most embarrassing moments of my life. And Matt has now witnessed one of them. As we were skidding to a halt, I saw the deer and was so horrified that we were going to hit it that I let out a scream......RIGHT when my voiced cracked!! Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing, especially when it was done, Nate, Matt's brother and the singer for the praise rally, thought that his mom had screamed, but it turned out to be me. :P

Praise Rally

So on Friday I went to a school praise rally. It was pretty great, but there was this creeper dude who obviously had some mental disability and who mentioned "the high place" every other sentence. :) The people running it, my teachers, said that he was there last year too and wouldn't hurt us or anything...just douse our heads in oil. I thought it was super weird and when he approached me I respectfully told him I would get back to him. I never did. So when he took aside my friends Johanna, Bopha, and another person who'd I met that day in a group and "anointed them," I stayed my distance until it was over...well....close enough, with every muscle tensed, to jump in there if he made one wrong move. Eeek! At this point in time I hadn't spoken with my teachers so I didn't know he wasn't dangerous. Afterwards I was so freaked out that I immediately interrogated Johanna and Bopha if they were OK and stuff. Thank God they were fine and were actually moved by his words....whatever. Anyway, main thing is that were all still here and accounted for. :)
Anyway, the singing was great but you could tell the singers were exhausted, they were some students in a band. There was also oranges the size of large grapefruit. :P And we played some improv soccer afterwards until I went with Matt for the two hour trip to Buena Vista.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Now I think is the time for me to get into a serious (or somewhat serious) discussion about pomegranates. Well besides being my favorite fruit and food in the world, what else are they. They might just be the messiest and most staining food in the world, yes, good. Well here's some quick history. The pomegranate was first cultivated in the ancient Persia, current day Iraq and Iran area, and in the fertile crescent (between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Eurasia). It is mentioned many times in the Bible including Exodus and Song of Solomon. In the Northern Hemisphere, pomegranate season is from September to February, while its opposite in the Southern Hemisphere.

Anyway, moving on, I love Pomegranates. In fact, that is my most important life-rule. "It needs more Pomegranate" and "You can never go wrong with Pomegranates." If you don't cross me on these two rules, I think we will get along fine in life. :)

Anyway, pomegranates are food for the soul. I am always happy when I'm eating Pomegranate. Anyway, I just had my first taste of some delicious, ice cream like substance called sorbet. But now its on my top ten things I like. It was amazing!! I got the Pomegranate, Acai, and Blueberry Sorbet from Private Selection, actually from King Soopers, but WHO CARES! It was and still is amazing!! I texted bopha and rubbed it in a bit because I felt like it. :)

But pretty much, its amazing, but now I need to go. Happy Pomegranate Day....every day! :P

Caddie Training Day 2

Today was so much better that I actually stayed for the rest of the holes (when everyone else went) and caddie for the remaining players. I received a ton of tips, lessons, courtesy advice, and rules notification. Wow, there is so much to learn! I also learned all of the clubs, bag tips, pocket placement, where to carry a water bottle, standing on the green, flag tending....the list is extensive. I walked for another hour longer than the first day and could still go for another few rounds after that, but the people started to go in. You know what made the difference in my energy today? The HEAT! OMG! It was nice and cloudy today during caddying and the sun and heatwaves didn't suck all the life out of me. I was so glad. Overall, today was an amazing day, not to mention pretty easy, and gave me some confidence back from me failure yesterday. Btw, I've been at this job for two days now, and my leg muscles are already defining. Talk about Wow. :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Caddie Training Day 1

Wow, I'm too tired to type....this is gonna be short. So today was my first day at caddie training where the golf course is entirely uphill. I was dying after the second hole and didn't bring any water. Lucky for me, this other guy didn't need his water and gave me his. Talk about saving your life. I am so bringing water tomorrow! I think I used an entire tube of sunscreen and heatstroke was definitely on the menu of ways to die. I got a headache after a couple minutes of blaring sun and was about to pass out. Even worse, I hurriedly ate a ton of cereal before I went there so I was literally about to throw up. Overall, it was a pretty miserable 2 hours of walking with 50 pounds on my back. I really hope my body will adjust and I'll get used to it. BTW water is a gift from God. Thank God every day that we have freshwater on Earth.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

201st Post

How appropriate. The best thing in my life was my 200th post. Again, you guys all need to see the Hunger Games! It is the best movie ever yet to be made. So yeah....I am past post 200. (applause) Thank you, thank you. *Bowing* Now go see the hunger games or tell me about your experience watching it. :)

The Hunger Games


OMG I just went out and saw this movie today at the theater with the big scree and blaring sounds and EVERYTHING! It was absolutely fantastic! Now I feel like I would enjoy the Titanic.... Anyway, this was a and b the c of d for me. I was expecting something way off from the books, but in their own way, these actors and creators incorporated ever part perfectly. I nearly had a heart attack when the dog jumped out at Katniss and Peeta towards the end. And I definitely cried during Rue's death. They portrayed that extremely well. I am also going to freely admit that I love the relationship between Katniss and Peeta. Don't judge, it was well played. You can't find movies like this with the perfect balance; violence, action, romance, plot, emotion, love, hate, story, nobility, corruption, tyranny, death, teamwork, feeling, adventure, survival of the fittest, revenge, and most of all, victory. This is definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, my favorite beyond favorite movie ever. Here is a YouTube video I found that sums it up perfectly.

I am going to buy this movie immediately when it comes out on DVD and watch it over and over. Again, don't judge me. :) I can't even begin to describe how great it was. If you haven't seen it....DO SO IMMEDIATELY!! I am going to stop geeking out about it so you guys can move on with your lives, but this is definitely going up as my favorite movie never to be replaced.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


OMG! I have just gone out and gotten a job! I cant believe this. It's just all so sudden and amazing and exciting! And this isn't some burger-flipping, soda-machine-filling, garbage-disposing job. This lofty occupations comes with high standards, utmost courtesy, top customer service, uniforms, and an opportunity for a scholarship. Well now you must be slightly curious as to what my position is, so I will give you my full, proper title. Ahem, listen up....

"Independent Contractor for the Broadmoor Hotel"

Yeah I know, pretty fancy, eh? Have any of you heard of the Broadmoor Hotel? Maybe you have because it is renowned internationally. Let me fill you in on something. It is one of the only 12 five star, five diamond hotels on the North American continent. Yeah, I know, what a privilege! It has kept five stars for 52 consecutive years, since the five star ratings started. That is 27 years longer than any hotel in history. The interior in gorgeous, lavish, ornate, fancy, and any other word meaning beautifully marvelous. Here's a overview picture of the entire Broadmoor estate, including the lake which the hotel surrounds, bridges, and overlooks. It is truly amazing....


Also, high up officials from countries everywhere travel specifically to this hotel to play on their legendary golf course....where I'll be working. You see, I'm going to be a caddy earning 20 dollars + whatever tip I get for every loop. A loop is the golf term for one round. One round is minimally 4 miles, so that should keep me in shape over the summer. :) Overall, I am very lucky to be employed here and I start my preliminary training next week. So I guess that's another thing checked off on my bucket list. :)
Also, I almost forgot to mention the fact that a society will pick 10-15 caddies each year (during their senor year so I have a while) to receive the Evans Scholarship, a four year, tuition and housing scholarship easily worth a few hundred thousand dollars to CU Boulder, where I hope to go to major in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Mechanical Engineering. Yippee! This is the opportunity of a lifetime. Please pray that I don't screw this up. :) Thank you all of you who keep reading this. Goodbye, I got a ton of homework to do....