Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Revenge of....Me! (Part 1)

So pretty much I told my mom what I really thought on a subject or two and she immediately confiscated my phone, computer.....everything. So now I just got them back and I'm trying to make up for some of the missed days during January. Anyway, when she took my phone and computer away, she put them, phone on top of computer in the bottom of her closet. LOL Now, you have to realize that I stay up waaayyy later then she thinks I do. So this means that people know they can text me at all hours of the night. Well, needless to say, my mom has the ears of a fricking hawk in her sleep (some natural mom instinct) and my phone vibrating on top of my metal computer was just enough to......

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