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Monday, January 16, 2012

Ironing Board Marathon...with Youtube

Ironing Boards.....well.....they haven't been around for that long, but no one seems to want to talk about it. And you wonder why...DUH! Because its the worst invention ever made! It is summed up perfectly by Bryan Regan (below). And why in the name of sweet Christmas do they have too make such an awful noise? I mean, people are deaf enough by going to rock concerts and you want to add to the earache?!?! And there so unsafe! (Also summed up in below video) Anyway, I have created an ironing board marathon with Youtube videos. Enjoy!

Be warned, it will take a while to load all these videos, give it at least a minute! Thanks.

..Funny right? Let's see how creative people can get with ironing boards...

...Yeah, looks fun, but there's more...
(Skip to 40 seconds)

...Really? Are you fricking kidding me? People r so creative....
(Next is long, boring, don't watch the whole thing)

....See, even the cat has a bad feeling about it...

...It also doubles as a bruising and painful weapon....
(Skip to 22 seconds if in a hurry)

...but sometimes the pain is only the users fault...

....Now this is what we need, an unobtrusive, fold out ironing board, the
thing I'm excited about though is the absence of sound when its 
opened. We desperately need an ironing board that opens without 
sounding like a WITCH in boiling soup. Such as....
(This is my own video)

Like? Dislike? Well, post your opinion. Did you laugh? Even just a bit?

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