Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, October 17, 2011

Blonde Jokes?

Hey guys,
I desperately need some more filler posts because I'm going to end up with a pretty lame end of the month total of posts. Anyway, I was wondering (if anyone is still reading this) would you guys like me to "try" to post a blond joke with every entry? I think It would make it fun. But I bet everyone would just skip to the end, LOL. Anyway, please comment and input your preference. Also, if you have any ideas for me making this thing better, please tell me. I am not fluent in telepathy, not yet anyway.
See ya's!
PS: I am not going to keep a page of all my blonde jokes because then you guys won't want to see the posts. :) Don't quote me on this though, because I'm still tinkering wit the idea.
Blonde Joke: In a high school civics class, they were discussing the qualifications for becoming President of the United States. The requirements are pretty simple. The candidate must be a natural born citizen and at least 35 years old. A blonde girl in the class piped up and began complaining about how unfair it was to require the candidate to be a natural born citizen. In her opinion, that made it impossible for many qualified people to run for the office. She went on and on, wrapping up her argument with "What makes a natural born citizen more qualified to be President than one born by C-Section?"

1 comment:

Mary said...

rule #1. never ask your blog audience if they want you to do or say something....JUST DO IT.