Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Friday, October 14, 2011

First Chipotle Ever!

Ok guys,
I thought I should commemorate this day as the day that I tried my first Chipotle burrito! I know its hard to believe, but before this, I've never had the pleasure of eating there. It was good, but personally, I prefer Q'doba. This fantastic food was introduced to me by Jenny and her mom, whom I helped move houses today. Just as a funny comment, me and Jenny successfully filled three and a half large, grey, ultra-sized garbage bags (about twice the size of a regular black bag) with junk from...guess where....HER CLOSET! I was astounded and slightly disgusted because she had been contributing junk and storage to that closet for 13 years without ever getting around to cleaning it. Now, I can proudly say it is spotless. Tomorrow we are going to finish the move. We might have gotten it done today, but Jenny had to go to the homecoming dance. Personally, I think these dances are juvenile and meaningless except being around school peers, not for me THANK YOU!
Other foods introduced to me by Jenny: Pop Tarts, Air Heads, Otter Pops and Izzi Soda.
Other items introduced to me by Jenny: Black Ops, pool tarp skipping, diving, Psych, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Warriors series, balcony repelling, etc.
EDIT: Correction, Matt introduced me to Otter Pops (a.k.a. Otter Poops)
Anyway, just thought this would be a good post. Thanks for reading! Please comment!


Yoski said...

AHEM!! Izze* :) you're welcome ;)

Yoski said...

and Qdoba sucks :|