- The virus corrupted my boot list so when I got onto the computer, it started, but couldn't find the operating systems. When a computer starts it looks for the boot list to give it instructions to access your accounts, but it couldn't find mine.
- The virus also attacked my automatic system restore so that it could not repair itself like its suppose to. And because its me, I forgot to make a backup repair disk. Yeah, I know.
- In shutting down my repair system it also destroyed my computers safe mode, so I couldn't get anything off my hard drive to save it.
- The virus also automatically incapacitated any system restore program that entered my system through another Windows 7 Home Premium disc.
- So my moms friend at work took it, saved most of my stuff, and completely rebuilt my hard drive. Yeah, I know, I wish I knew how to do that!
Anyway, I got my files back, but my computer was wiped and I had to reinstall everything. The thing is, that a major factor of this virus was caused by Minecraft. I AM SOOO SAD!! Minecraft obviously had a bug that my computer just couldn't handle, and that matched with something I think I accidentally installed with an email set my computer on "Deep Fry". So yeah, kinda sucks, no more Minecraft, but at least I got my computer back. :)
Life Lesson: Always make friends with every IT and tech guy you can.
:P Chao!
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