Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Computer/ No more Jalapandro

Seeing as how I worked over the summer, all of my muulah went toward this new computer that I'm posting on right now; the Lenovo Z580 - 1 TB, 8 GB RAM, 14 inch screen, purple stainless steel-look, $1,200 dollar laptop that I got for 40% off ($700) with their back-to-school sale. OMG it's amazing. My other laptop from the 1700's have 20x less RAM, and 16x less memory. Yeah, and this has an all new Nvidia video card....awesome, with a 3rd generation Intel7 Processor for those of you who know what that means and can be jealous. :) Here's a Picture from the site...

....accept it has a nice, slight purple tint....I think it looks kind of purple in the pic... Anyway, it works like a charm....I LOVE it! And I think a good percentage of my pride comes from the fact that I worked hard for it and bought it all by myself....Yippee! OK, I might be posting more today so watch out. :) Oh, and by the way, with a new comptuer and all, I made completely new email accounts and connected everything, so my email now for this will be my email and my real name, Alex. No more Jalapandro.....


Anonymous said...

Hey! You've been "awarded" over at my blog:

Annie said...

triple whammy! you've been awarded over at my blog too!!