Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, June 25, 2012

a lovely bunch of coconuts

Greetings, everypony! It is I, the great Jennifer, back from the land of the dead. I have no idea who's reading this, so! I'm Jalapendro's big sister. "but Jen! it's JalapAndro!" NOT ITS NOT! I WOULD KNOW BECAUSE I GAVE HIM THAT NICKNAME! Anyways, on to my life! Starting up a new blog= did not work. oh well. maybe i'll try again.we'll see. I have purple hair now, so that's pretty awesomely exciting!! :D and im starting to write a book. i used to write a lot of stories when i was younger, and some of them were actually really good! lately ive been gettin' a hankerin' for some writing, and i like what i have so far. if i added a plot line, it would probably be much better. perhaps i shall post more often....

hit me back,
just to chat.
your biggest fan,
this is stan jen.

wait.... i dont think anyone will get that reference....