Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lotsa Lazy-nes

So pretty much, I spent the entire day lolly-gagging, movie watching, video-game-playing, Black Ops fantasizing, and Evony playing. Been a typical lazy Friday....wait....Saturday, sorry. Anyway, I added the music to Yoski's blog but I have to find some songs I really like for my own blog. That should be coming in the next few days. Also, If any of you know good software or methods for editing online tracks, please tell me because I just had an epic fail with "Audacity." Well, we go to church on Saturday nights so that wasn't too bad. Kinda boring because we had a new pastor for Sr. High, but OK. It's so weird being among people who are just as smart as me, Freshmen, and like a head of two taller than I am. LOL.

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