Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Monday, November 28, 2011

How to Cook a Turkey

This is not my own, I give the credit to Mary from "Mary, Plain and Tall." But I thought it was too funny to keep off my blog. Happy Late Thanksgiving!
Step 1: Go buy a turkey 
Step 2: Take a drink of whiskey
Step 3: Put turkey in the oven 
Step 4: Take another 2 drinks of whiskey 
Step 5: Set the degree at 375 ovens 
Step 6: Take 3 more whiskeys of drink 
Step 7: Turk the bastey 
Step 8: Whiskey another bottle of get 
Step 9: Ponder the meat thermometer 
Step 10: Glass yourself a pour of whiskey 
Step 11: Bake the whiskey for 4 hours 
Step 12: Take the oven out of the turkey 
Step 13: Floor the turkey up off of the pick 
Step 14: Turk the carvey 
Step 15: Get yourself another scottle of botch 
Step 16: Tet the sable and pour yourself a glass of turkey 
Step 17: Bless the dinner and pass out

Friday, November 25, 2011


I have now found my lot in life......
I have just discovered the most revolutionary game ever.....
The bestest board game......
Over at Matt's house and he taught me my fav. game ever now......


Now I have a new favorite board game. It's sooo mucho funno because I won-o my uno time-o. Yes, I'll admit, I have never played risk before this but now I have Jenny, so HA! Anyway, I dominated Matt my first time. Here was the game after 3 rounds......

Now, just to clarify, those black arrows are pointing to Matt's last five cities. LOL
Anyway, just thought I would mark my first game of risk as a momentous occasion.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Science Class

If you guys have a second, check out my new page called, Science Class.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Aladdin Jr. Finished!

Sorry I haven't written in a few days, but they were filled with school + the three performances of Aladdin Jr. by our middle school. It went amazingly well with few hiccups. I have decided from this, that I am going to make up a scrapbook of all the plays I have been in (even stage hand). Anyway, I feel kind of sick so I'm going to leave now and go to bed. I'll try and get back on the blogging track soon.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kitty Post #20

Here is the long awaited Kitty Post #20.

Yes, this is what you are seeing; 
my cat has chosen my laundry basket as her bed.

Lotsa Lazy-nes

So pretty much, I spent the entire day lolly-gagging, movie watching, video-game-playing, Black Ops fantasizing, and Evony playing. Been a typical lazy Friday....wait....Saturday, sorry. Anyway, I added the music to Yoski's blog but I have to find some songs I really like for my own blog. That should be coming in the next few days. Also, If any of you know good software or methods for editing online tracks, please tell me because I just had an epic fail with "Audacity." Well, we go to church on Saturday nights so that wasn't too bad. Kinda boring because we had a new pastor for Sr. High, but OK. It's so weird being among people who are just as smart as me, Freshmen, and like a head of two taller than I am. LOL.


I have many things to admit to myself, to my journal, and to many of the people who I call my friends. For right now, I have chosen my incessant joking as a serious subject. In actuality, and this is something that I am admitting to myself more than you readers, my jokes and random personality have been conjured by myself over the past few years to try and cover up hurting, denial, and my natural social catastrophe. I "joke" way too much and I am slowly realizing that it is a backdrop for whatever emotions I am feeling. I think I have hurt many people with my jokes and I'm trying to make a list to apologize to each of them. I want this to be a turning point for me in that I wont be hurtful in my sarcastic-nes. To those people that I consider my close friends, I have so many apologies to make its overwhelming. I haven't been a very good friend, but now I don't even think I know what a good friend is like. All I know is that I'm not one of them. 

I am thinking that I also need to try to tear down this facade to my best friends. I actuality, I am a shy, serious, not-talking -to-anyone person. Yet I have forced myself to make a mask of an outgoing, joking, carefree, never-serious-fellow at my school. One thing that is really tough is trying to be hyper all the time around friends. At Matt's and Yoski's house along with school I feel like I have to be in character of a hyper, always-talking personality. In the future, I am going to try and change that because I believe that adds to my persona of "little child." And that's not something I want to be stuck to for the rest of my life.

Conclusion: I cannot help but feel that my true self is fading and the facade is taking its place. I am losing everything that is truly means to be me. How I am going to change that, I do not quite know, but I plan on giving it a ton of thought.

Friday, November 11, 2011


For a long time now, I have felt trapped inside a child's body. I haven't seem or done half of the things that other children have done, but I have done much more adultwise than many of my peers. Now it seems that I am subconsciously trying to make up for my lost childhood because I will admit that I grew up very quickly. Oh I don't know, I want to be better socially and I want to act more mature, but I need to find out what is limiting me from achieving this. Is it myself? Is my sour view of my life and it direction affecting my performance? Iss it jsut making up for lost childhood time? In school, I automatically do stupid things, things that kids would do, and I don't even realize it until others are backing away from me. I say stupid things, I do stupid things, I don't even know who I am anymore. What happened to the perfect little kid from a country town in Midwest New York? Is it other people? I just feel like I don't fit in at my school because of all the things I don't know about like bands and sports and such.

I have also set very clear ground rules for myself about girls, guys, dating, relationships, closeness, and if its appropriate or not. Some of my best friends are girls, but it doesn't mean that I am sexually attracted to them. I have NO relationship drive whatsoever and I think that puts a mighty rift between me and my classmates. Each day I find that more and more of the people that I thought were respectable being caught in the evil, society-set-up trap of worldly relations and how you have to have one.

Conclusions/Admitting: The problem is, that no one else notices or seems to think like this. Am I that weird? Awkward? Why does no one else see what I see? Why does no one else seem to envision societies traps of worldly possessions? I have fallen into these traps myself and cannot seem to get out of them. Its as if climbing up a wall treadmill. I keep falling further and further. I believe myself that this is due to my extreme lack in belief in myself. Is this mindset that I have the reason why I hate myself. My greatest fear is that I am mentally disabled, crazy, hallucinating, but constantly. I just feel....trapped.

Change of Vision

Well, I have had a change of vision. For the past few months I have been trying to find what I want this blog to be about and for. I have decided that it will take a twist. This will not just be the events I have, but also the psychological view of me. With this blog and its posts. I hope to log the events and stages of my life. I want to be truthful to at least myself and I will be doing that through this blog. Don't worry, I will still have Kitty Posts and some random events, happenings, and what not, but I feel like I need to make a step toward helping myself become a better individual. Nothing really has changed, except that this whole site has become the log of my life. I have had some serious thinking in the past few days. I have been presented with some questions. And I still need to figure out the difference between where I think my life is going, and where I want my life to be going. Thank you for listening to that seemingly dull set of words, but I think this is going to be a big step for me.


i now have complete access to random-nes personified. the world should be afraid...vary afraid.....


Hey Everyone,
Alert, this is a time for duck and cover! Yoski is now  a guest blogger on Random-nes Personified. Yippee! So every once in a while you will now receive a random, and maybe disturbing email. So see ya!


Hey guys, I am going to see if I can sum up my day today in the alphabet. This is just a test run to see if it's possible. Please comment 'n say hi!

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Bryan Davis' Books
Computer Surfing
Dog Brushing
Elements Song
Funny Julian Smith Videos
Ghost Camera (explanation below)
Hunt for Red October Watching
Kitty Pics
Psych Episode (new)
Skitzo Self-Arguments
Towel Folding Fail (explanation below)
Watching Movies
Xerography in Scrabble (the word)

Huh, I can't seem to get the other ones. Oh well, here's the explanations.
Ghost Camera: I know I left my camera in one place last night, and it showed up somewhere else, on the dining room table, this morning.
Towel Folding Fail: I found out the I suck at folding clothes and towels. This just must be one of those gifts only bestowed to women. LOL

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hope Against Hope

I really really hope and want a snow day/moodle day tomorrow! Please, please, please, please snow! Here's all the things I am doing tonight just to be safe...(I don't actually believe it, but its fun anyway)
1. Sleeping with a spoon under my pillow
2. Flushing an ice cube down the toilet
3. Wearing PJ's inside out
4. Reciting the alphabet before getting in bed
5. Place a cup filled with 13 ice cubes an let them melt overnight on the center of your dining table
6. Put a penny on your windowsill
7. Drink root beer with a straw
8. Melt a white crayon
9. Stick some sort of snow-based movie in the DVD player upside-down. (Eight Below)
10. Sleep with one sock on left foot
11. Drape the other sock over a ceiling fan
12. Keep the house phone under your/someone''s bed
13. Do the "Snow Dance" (Jump up and down seven times outside in the sidewalk)

So yeah, just thought I'd share some of my personal culture with you guys. LOL, thanks for looking!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

100th Post!!!

!!!!PARTY TIME!!!!
Today is a great day in this blogs history, I bestow upon blog Random-nes Personified, the title of the 100th post! YEAH! Wow, 100 posts went by faster than I thought. Like...really really fast. Here's an especially funny blonde joke...or that I thought was funny. :) Thank you all for your comments and support.


Three blondes died together in a car wreck. They all went to the pearly gates where they were met by Saint Peter. 
St. Peter: "Tell me what the true meaning of Easter is or you won't get in."
1st blonde: "Easter is a big holiday where we give thanks, have a big feast and eat turkey."
St. Peter: "No, You don't get in."
2nd blonde: "Easter is the holiday that we celebrate Jesus' being born of the virgin and give gifts to each other."
St. Peter: "No, You don't get in either." 
3rd blonde: "Well, I know what Easter is all about. Easter is a Christian holiday which coincides with the Jewish Passover. After Jesus celebrated Passover with His disciples, He was betrayed by Judas and turned over to the Romans. They crucified Him on a cross. After He died, they buried him in a tomb and put a huge boulder in front of it."
St. Peter: "Very good! You get..."
3rd blonde cuts him off: "Now, every year, the Jews roll the stone away and Jesus comes out. If He sees his shadow, we have 6 more weeks of basketball."
St. Peter fainted!

Turn Your Clocks Back

Hey peeps,
Don't make the mistake I did because we turned our clocks back really late, like at noon. EEKK! Not good, missed a game and such, but it turned out all right....I guess. Anyway, I love Daylight Savings so I thought I would make a commemorative post for it. Thanks all!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Wasted Saturday

So today I was at drama Aladdin Jr. practice from 9:00 in the morning, to 4 pm. Fun right? At least we got a bunch of stuff done there. Yep, so that is one less day I have on my weekend. Anyway, I have been permitted to also being in charge of all the tech like sound and lighting. Which is weird cause my superior, a friend in a grade higher, is actually manning the booth, but I am the only one who knows how. (Sigh) Whatever. Also....I got nothin'. See ya some other time. I is tired.

Friday, November 4, 2011

New Tab

So hey guys,
I really don't know if I'll ever get to doing my Riley page, but whatever. Anyway, I have a new page for my favorite and/or most recent movie reviews. Yep, pretty boring right. I just thought I'd make a post to clarify that. Also, I emailed the blogger guys and they didn't know what it was, so I tried a bunch of stuff and completely deformed my blog design. Finally got it back to Autumn Decorations though. Yep, so jsut deal with the post quirk, can't do anything. If any of you have an idea, please tell me either on my email (About me) or by commenting. Thanks y'all!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

1st Post in Espanol!

Hola Ustedes,
Este es el primer guión del mes de noviembre. ¿Te sientes orgulloso de que me duró tanto tiempo? Y aún mejor, por fin estoy consiguiendo la caída de este acuerdo español. ¿Puedes entender lo que estoy diciendo? Porque eso sería realmente impresionante. 

Aw heck with it. Whatever. Anyway, this is my first post in November and I was just saying that I am now, in Aladdin Jr. Official backstage manager. Fun! Now I get to ask people if they would like to be stage hands and recruit them for the jobs. Only thing that is odd, is that all the people in my grade that I was thinking of offering a position to are taller than me and mostly older. And me, I, the 5'3" boy, would be their backstage boss. LOL. Yep, that's my life right now. Oh, and for the fact that I am sacrificing yet another FULL Saturday to go to an All-Day rehearsal. UGH! Yeah, anyway, wish me luck, and I'll see y'all later!

There was a Russian, an American, and a Blonde. The Russian bragged, "We were the first ones into space." The American said, "So what? We were the first ones on the moon." The Blonde said, "So What? We're going to be the first ones on the sun." The Russian replied, "But you can't do that, you'll burn up." The Blonde said indignantly, "Hey were not stupid here! We're going at night."