Last year, a huge glitch turned all of my photos into errors. If you find any that I didn't replace, please email me at

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Technical FAIL!!

Hey guys,
Sorry, but my blog is now showing only one post on the main page. I have the setting on 20 and blah blah blah, but I have know idea why its doing that. For right now, I am putting blog Random-nes Personified...
So yeah, sorry about this. You know how technology is these days. I'll probably have it figured out by Tuesday though, so come back then! Thanks!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Snowball Crossbow???

I just seriously found the BEST new invention for the winter season. These past two days we have had our first good snow in Colorado. This is the all-too-awesome-and-amazing snowball launcher! THis mechanism is designed to shoot snowballs up to 60 feet!!! Yeah, look below and comment if you still don't want one...I sure do!
To quote one man's review...

           "There was a time when all a man needed for a good snowball fight was dry gloves and some fresh powder. These days you need to step up your game, with weapons specifically engineered for winter warfare like this crossbow designed to hurl balls of snow instead of arrows. It's been a while since something from the Sharper Image has caught our attention, but that's because an iPod dock is useless when there's two feet of snow on the ground. But a crossbow designed to launch a snowball up to 60 feet? Well, now you have our attention. This snow launcher's got an easy to pull lever which makes it easy to prime the firing mechanism, and includes a press designed to make three perfectly sized frozen projectiles. Besides warm gloves and gallons of hot chocolate, we can't think of a better way to spend $40 on winter gear. Just make sure you pick up one for each hand for complete domination, since the neighborhood kids can probably only wield one at a time."