This Was a Facebook Post I made...
OK, I know everyone is going to say how awesome Cinderella was, and it was great (with its two standing ovations), but I'm going to fast-forward past losing my glasses at the performance and go straight to the 4-block drive home where my mom tells me that our next door neighbor (whom we know as the guy who has had the cops to his house 67 times) has been stabbed three times in the chest with a knife by a trio of guys who visits his house every so often.
Now that I've got a good attention-getter (be proud of me Mr. Young {english teacher}) I can rewind to about 7 months ago when our old Mexican neighbors (who were crazy about Cinco de Mayo) moved out and this new, weird guy (lets call him Adam) moved in. Now from the beginning everyone suspected he was shady, but turns out he's been moving a ton of drugs out of that house. Since his arrival, we've had all sorts of weird interactions, mostly with strange cars in weird places and middle-of-the-night meetings around the corner. The bad thing is that there's never been any proof. UNTIL, one day, about 3 weeks ago, my mom was outside and snapped some photos of three, new dudes transporting shoebox-sized containers out of the house. Yeah, bonus! So we called the cops, told them our story, and waited, and waited, but then finally deleted the pictures and forgot about it. We saw the cars still, but there was obviously nothing we could do. So we were just careful. Then, yesterday, we receive a phone message telling us that the police have connected our story with a near-fatal stabbing from two weeks ago. The nerve of those people! Wait two weeks without doing their job and then just off-handedly tell us about a stabbing next door by guys we see daily?! Yeah, whatever, but its kinda exciting and kinda creepy. Definitely going to take the long route home from school now eh? :)
Well, that combined with the body they took out of that house a couple of months ago makes this neighborhood kinda sketchy. Way to put the fear of God into ya huh?